Eddy The Teddy Backpack


Looking to take your Eddy everywhere you travel? If so, the Eddy the Teddy backpack is the one for you.

We made sure to design the Eddy the Teddy backpack to be "Beary" comfortable. With super soft adjustable brown staps to go with. Extendable to 63m in length, you can carry Eddy over one shoulder or both.

Surprisingly spacious inside, you are able to put many things inside the backpack for Eddy to keep safe for you on your travels. 

One thing to say tho! Eddy is not very resilient to rain and his fur will get wet. If that does happen, make sure to give him a wash and he will be good to go again.

Eddy loves Style and we couldn't go without putting his authentic signature "Eddy the Teddy" embroidered on his right paw. This is the mark of an authentic Eddy the Teddy he wears with pride. 

His soft fur, cute button nose, and adorable smile are enough to make anybody turn their head as they walk past. 

The winter days can get cold and like most British, Eddy is not a fan of the cold weather. Eddy insisted on a scarf to keep him warm during the winter while he travels on his teddy bear adventures.


  • 40cm in length 
  • 30cm in width 
  • Full en71 & CE Saftey labbeled
  • Hand & Machine Washable
  • Strap length 45-63cm - Smooth & adjustable
  • "Eddy The Teddy" embroidered on his foot 
  • Sewn-on attractive "Eddy The Teddy" scarf 
  • Suitable for 3 years + 



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